IRC International Rescue Committee
Telephone: International Medical Corps Copy phone

Services offered :
WGSS (Women’s and Girl’s Safe Space)

Ministerio Público. Fiscalía 16
Carirubana , Los Taques , Falcón
Telephone: 0269 247 10 64 Copy phone

Edifico Sede Del M.P. Calle Arismendi Entre
Ecuador Y Bolivia, Piso 2. Casco Central De Pto Fijo
Edo Falcón Lunes a viernes de 8:00 am a 2:00 pm

Services offered :
Protection, security, police

Ministerio Público. Fiscalía 16
Carirubana , Los Taques , Falcón
Telephone: 0269-2471064 Copy phone

Edifico Sede Del M.P. Calle Arismendi Entre
Ecuador Y Bolivia, Piso 2. Casco Central De Pto Fijo
Edo Falcón Lunes a viernes de 8:00 am a 2:00 pm

Services offered :
Protection, security and