UNFPA/Youth charitable fund Initiative
Kharkiv , Kharkiv
Telephone: 095-282-57-25
097-282-57-25 Copy phone

Services offered :
GBV Psychosocial Support Mobile Team

GBV CM (GBV Case Management)
Telephone: INTERSOS Copy phone

Services offered :
GBV Psychosocial Support Mobile Team

International Medical Corps
Kharkiv , Kharkiv
Telephone: 066-197-43-25 Copy phone

Services offered :
WGSS (Women’s and Girl’s Safe Space)

UNFPA/Youth charitable fund Initiative
Kharkiv , Kharkiv
Telephone: 095-796-48-85
095-796-52-29 Copy phone

Services offered :
WGSS (Women’s and Girl’s Safe Space)

Kharkiv , Kharkiv
Telephone: 981109118 Copy phone

Services offered :
WGSS (Women’s and Girl’s Safe Space)

Machala , El Oro
Telephone: (07) 2 962 100 ext Copy phone

Calle Rocafuerte entre 9 de Mayo y Guayas Lunes a Viernes 8:00-17:00

Services offered :

Junta Cantonal de Protection de Derechos
Machala , El Oro
Telephone: 099 751 5024 Copy phone

Calle 25 de junio y 9 de Mayo esquina. Edif. Municipal de Machala, piso 5 Lunes a Viernes 8:00-17:00

Services offered :
Administrative Justice

Consejo Cantonal de Protection de Derechos
Machala , El Oro
Telephone: 098 724 0872 Copy phone

Calle 25 de Junio y 9 de Mayo, piso 5 del Edif. del Municipio Lunes a Viernes 8:00-17:00

Services offered :
Administrative Justice

Defensoría Pública
Machala , El Oro
Telephone: (02) 3 815 270 ext. 7202 Copy phone

Calle Pichincha entre Guayas y Ayacucho Lunes a Domingo 8:30-17:00

Services offered :
Legal Support

Fundación Quimera
Machala , El Oro
Telephone: 099 206 8312 Copy phone

Santa Rosa 2104 entre Pichincha y Arízaga Lunes a Viernes 8:00 - 12:00 / 13:00 - 17:00

Services offered :
Legal Advice