Telephone: 121 Jawal / 164 Oreedo Copy phone

Services offered :
Case Management/Psychosocial Support

Association for Woman and Child Protection ( AISHA)
Telephone: 1800 170 171 Copy phone

Services offered :
Case Management/Psychosocial Support

UNFPA/Youth charitable fund Initiative
099-624-75-89 , Chernivtsi
Telephone: Copy phone

Services offered :
WGSS (Women’s and Girl’s Safe Space)

Fiscalía provincial de Carchi
Tulcán , Carchi
Telephone: (06) 2 960 931, (06) 2 961 091 Copy phone

Calle Guayaquil, entre Cuenca y Av. Manabí Lunes a Viernes 9:00 - 17:00

Services offered :

Tribunal de Garantías Penales del Carchi
Tulcán , Carchi
Telephone: (06) 2 999 300 ext. 60112 Copy phone

Rafael Arellano y Panamá Lunes a Domingo 8:00-17:00

Services offered :

Unidad Judicial Contra la Violencia a la Mujer y Miembros del Núcleo Familiar
Tulcán , Carchi
Telephone: (06) 2246 176 Copy phone

UPC El Portal: Av. de la Salud y Concepción, frente al Patronato Municipal Lunes a Domingo 8:00-17:04

Services offered :

Unidades de Policía Comunitaria
Tulcán , Carchi
Telephone: (06) 2986 350 Copy phone

UPC Kennedy: Imbabura y Neptuno Lunes a Domingo 24 horas del día

Services offered :

Unidad Judicial Civil de Tulcán
Tulcán , Carchi
Telephone: (06) 2999 300 Ext. 60612 Copy phone

Rafael Arellano y Panamá Lunes a Domingo 8:00-17:00

Services offered :

Unidad Judicial Penal de Tulcán
Tulcán , Carchi
Telephone: (06) 2999 300 Ext. 60613 Copy phone

Rafael Arellano y Panamá Lunes a Domingo 8:00-17:01

Services offered :

Junta Cantonal de Protección de Derechos Tulcán
Tulcán , Carchi
Telephone: No posee Copy phone

Junta Cantonal de Protección de Derechos Tulcán Lunes a Viernes 8:00-18:00 Sábado 8:00-13:00

Services offered :
Administrative Justice