Ministerio Público. FISCALÍA 26º
Ocumare , Miranda
Telephone: 0239 2244964 , 2959 Copy phone

Edificio Parque Central, Municipio Tomas Lander, A Una Cuadra De La Plaza Bolívar, Residencias Parque Central, Ocumare del Tuy, Estado Miranda Lunes a viernes de 8:00 am a 2:00 pm

Services offered :
Protection, security, police

Ministerio Público. FISCALÍA 26º
Ocumare , Miranda
Telephone: 0239 2244964 , 2959 Copy phone

Edificio Parque Central, Municipio Tomas Lander, A Una Cuadra De La Plaza Bolívar, Residencias Parque Central, Ocumare del Tuy, Estado Miranda Lunes a viernes de 8:00 am a 2:00 pm

Services offered :
Protection, Security and Justice

Ukrainian Public Health Foundation
Telephone: 066-689-31-78 Copy phone

Services offered :
GBV Psychosocial Support Mobile Team

Poradenské Centrum Nádej / Counselling center Nádej
Bratislava region
Telephone: 4.21905E+11 Copy phone

Services offered :
GBV Case Management

Brána do života / Gateway to Life
Bratislava region
Telephone: 0915 439 245 Copy phone

Services offered :
GBV Case Management