Instituto Municipal de la Mujer
Muñoz , Apure
Telephone: 0426- 1337896 Copy phone

Mantecal Lunes a viernes de 8:00 am a 5:00 pm

Services offered :
Case management (including immediate psychosocial support):
Adult people (over 18)

Policía Nacional Bolivariana
Muñoz , Apure
Telephone: 0424- 7054796 Copy phone

Mantecal 24 horas

Services offered :
Protection, security, police

Guardia Nacional Bolivariana
Muñoz , Apure
Telephone: 0416- 8394482 Copy phone

Mantecal 24 horas

Services offered :
Protection, security, police

Defensoría del Pueblo
Muñoz , Apure
Telephone: 0424- 2632379 Copy phone

Mantecal Lunes a viernes de 8:00 am a 5:00 pm

Services offered :
Protection, Security and Justice

Fiscalia 5ta MP
Muñoz , Apure
Telephone: 0424- 3636534, 0416- 4349145 Copy phone

Mantecal Lunes a viernes de 8:00 am a 5:00 pm

Services offered :
Protection, Security and Justice

Defensoría del Pueblo
Muñoz , Apure
Telephone: 0424- 2632379 Copy phone

Mantecal Lunes a viernes de 8:00 am a 5:00 pm

Services offered :
Legal Assistance Directors

Unidad Judicial de Familia, Mujer, Niñez y Adolescencia
Ibarra , Sucumbios
Telephone: (06) 2 999 800 ext. 62200 Copy phone

Aurelio Mosquera 2-111 y calle Luis Fernando Villamar Lunes a Domingo 8:00-17:00

Services offered :

Junta de Protection de Derechos
Ibarra , Imbabura
Telephone: (06) 2 631 328, 098 439 8434, 099 777 4381 Copy phone

Parque Ciudad Blanca Lunes a Viernes 8:00-18:00 Sábado 8:00-13:00

Services offered :
Administrative Justice

Defensoría Pública
Ibarra , Imbabura
Telephone: (02) 3 815 270 ext. 6005 Copy phone

Calle Aurelio Mosquera Narváez 3-43 entre Rafael Troya y Luis Fernando Villamar Lunes a Domingo 8:30-17:30

Services offered :
Legal Support

Ibarra , Imbabura
Telephone: (06) 2 603 434 Copy phone

Juan de la Roca 350 Lunes a Viernes 9:30 - 14:00/15:00-17:00

Services offered :
Legal Advice