GBV CM (GBV Case Management)
M.ART.IN-club , 095-680-17-23
Telephone: UNFPA/ Copy phone

Services offered :
GBV Psychosocial Support Mobile Team

LA (Legal Aid)
Telephone: Copy phone

Services offered :
GBV Psychosocial Support Mobile Team

Telephone: Norwegian People's Aid/ Copy phone

Services offered :
WGSS (Women’s and Girl’s Safe Space)

Defensoría del Pueblo
Subsede Charallave , Miranda
Telephone: 0426-5112981 Copy phone

Avenida Bolívar, cruce con Calle Lourdes, Centro Comercial Residencial Charallave, Torre E, Local N° 8, (frente a la CANTV). Charallave Lunes a viernes de 8:00 am a 3:00 pm

Services offered :
Protection, security, police

Defensoría del Pueblo
Subsede Charallave , Miranda
Telephone: 0426-5112981 Copy phone

Avenida Bolívar, cruce con Calle Lourdes, Centro Comercial Residencial Charallave, Torre E, Local N° 8, (frente a la CANTV). Charallave Lunes a viernes de 8:00 am a 3:00 pm

Services offered :
Protection, Security and Justice