GBV CM (GBV Case Management)
066-843-77-39 , Boryspil
Telephone: UNFPA/Youth charitable fund Initiative Copy phone

Services offered :
GBV Psychosocial Support Mobile Team

UNFPA/Youth charitable fund Initiative
096-267-47-32 , Boryspil
Telephone: Copy phone

Services offered :
GBV Psychosocial Support Mobile Team

Ukrainian Public Health Foundation
066-756-29-04 , Kalush
Telephone: Copy phone

Services offered :
GBV Psychosocial Support Mobile Team

Defensoría del Pueblo
Todos , Trujillo
Telephone: 0416-6660236 , 0412-2995208 Copy phone

Avenida Bolívar, Edificio Falcón, Local N° 01
(Cerca de la Plaza Sucre). Lunes a viernes de 8:00 am a 2:00 pm presencial

Services offered :
Protection, Security and Justice

911 VEN
- , Trujillo
Telephone: 911 Copy phone

24 horas

Services offered :
Protection, Security and Justice

Defensoría del Pueblo (Subsede VALERA)
Todos , Trujillo
Telephone: Copy phone

Avenida Bolívar, entre Calles 23 y 24, Centro Comercial Darka, Sector Las Acacias, Planta Baja, Local N° 03
(Diagonal al Banco Industrial de Venezuela). Lunes a viernes de 8:00 am a 2:00 pm presencial

Services offered :
Protection, Security and Justice

Cruz Roja
- , Trujillo
Telephone: 0412-2665945 Copy phone

Services offered :
Protection, security, police

Defensoría del Pueblo (Subsede VALERA)
Todos , Trujillo
Telephone: 0271-23116.86 / 2317284 Copy phone

Avenida Bolívar, entre Calles 23 y 24, Centro Comercial Darka, Sector Las Acacias, Planta Baja, Local N° 03
(Diagonal al Banco Industrial de Venezuela). Lunes a viernes de 8:00 am a 2:00 pm presencial

Services offered :
Protection, security, police

Ministerio Público. Fiscalía 12º
- , Trujillo
Telephone: 0271 231 83 57 Copy phone

Centro Comercial Vic-Mar, Planta Alta, Avenia Bolívar, Sector Las Acacias. Valera. Edo. Trujillo Lunes a viernes de 8:00 am a 2:00 pm

Services offered :
Protection, security, police

Ministerio Público. Fiscalía Superior Trujillo
- , Trujillo
Telephone: 0272-236-57-710272-236-53-97 Copy phone

Av. Independencia, Centro Profesional Rosas Bravo, PB, frente a la Plaza Sucre, Trujillo, Edo. Trujillo Lunes a viernes de 8:00 am a 2:00 pm

Services offered :
Protection, security, police