UNFPA/Innovative Social Solutions
050-527-55-21 , Lebedyn
Telephone: Copy phone

Services offered :
GBV Psychosocial Support Mobile Team

UNFPA/Innovative Social Solutions
NA , Cherkassy
Telephone: 050-527-44-36
096-036-86-41 Copy phone

Services offered :
GBV Psychosocial Support Mobile Team

Triangle Generation Humanitaire
Cherkassy , Cherkassy
Telephone: 099-290-07-45 Copy phone

Services offered :
GBV Psychosocial Support Mobile Team

093-081-43-10, 063-217-44-27 , Cherkassy
Telephone: 100% of life Copy phone

Services offered :
WGSS (Women’s and Girl’s Safe Space)

096-388-08-81 , Cherkassy
Telephone: CARE Ukraine/Vostok SOS Copy phone

Services offered :
WGSS (Women’s and Girl’s Safe Space)

Consejo de la Judicatura
Lago Agrio , Sucumbios
Telephone: (06) 2 998 800 ext. 65264 Copy phone

Av. 20 de Junio y Carchi Lunes a Domingo 8:00-17:00

Services offered :

DINAPEN (Dirección Nacional de la Policía Especializada en Niñez)
Lago Agrio , Sucumbios
Telephone: No posee Copy phone

Calle Jorge Añazco, entre Manabí y 12 de Febrero diagonal antigua clínica Guayaquil Lunes a Domingo 8:00-17:00

Services offered :

Fiscalía Provincial
Lago Agrio , Sucumbios
Telephone: (06) 2 835 179, (06) 2 831 983 ext. 211026 Copy phone

Manabí entre Venezuela y 10 de Agosto Lunes a Domingo 8:00-17:00

Services offered :

Policía Nacional (Comando)
Lago Agrio , Sucumbios
Telephone: No posee Copy phone

Via Colombia y Circunvalación Abierto 24 Horas

Services offered :

Unidad Judicial de la Mujer, Familia, Niñez y Adolescencia
Lago Agrio , Sucumbios
Telephone: (06) 2998 800 Ext. 65224 Copy phone

Av. 20 de Junio y Carchi Lunes a Domingo 8:00-17:00

Services offered :