UNFPA/Innovative Social Solutions
Konotop , Sumy
Telephone: 050-533-09-96
096-145-95-26 Copy phone

Services offered :
GBV Psychosocial Support Mobile Team

UNFPA/Innovative Social Solutions
096-145-93-59 , Sumy
Telephone: Copy phone

Services offered :
GBV Psychosocial Support Mobile Team

UNFPA/Innovative Social Solutions
066-756-27-66 , Sumy
Telephone: Ukrainian Public Health Foundation Copy phone

Services offered :
GBV Psychosocial Support Mobile Team

UNFPA/Innovative Social Solutions
Shostka , Sumy
Telephone: 098-439-98-59 Copy phone

Services offered :
WGSS (Women’s and Girl’s Safe Space)

UNFPA/Innovative Social Solutions
068-921-36-46 , Sumy
Telephone: Copy phone

Services offered :
WGSS (Women’s and Girl’s Safe Space)

Sumy , Sumy
Telephone: 503570043 Copy phone

Services offered :
WGSS (Women’s and Girl’s Safe Space)

Portoviejo , Manabi
Telephone: (05) 2 633 452 ext. 131051 Copy phone

Calle Sucre entre 18 de Octubre y Francisco Pacheco Lunes a Domingo 8:00 - 17:00

Services offered :

Unidad Judicial Contra la Violencia a la Mujer y Miembros del Núcleo Familiar
Portoviejo , Manabi
Telephone: 099 655 0337 Copy phone

Dirección: Av. Reales Tamarindos y Calle Los Amigos, Sector del Parque la Rotonda. Lunes a Viernes 8:30 - 18:30

Services offered :

Junta Cantonal de Protection de Derechos
Portoviejo , Manabi
Telephone: 096 701 1796 Copy phone

Parroquia Andrés de Vera, sector Los Cerezos, calle Edwin García, a 3 cuadras del UPC, frente al parque de Los Cerezos Lunes a Viernes 8:00 - 17:00

Services offered :
Administrative Justice

Defensoría Pública
Portoviejo , Manabi
Telephone: (02) 3 815 270 ext. 5101 Copy phone

Av. Universitaria entre las calles Emilio Macías y Honorio Villavicencio, frente al estadio Reales Tamarindos Lunes a Domingo 8:30-17:00

Services offered :
Legal Support